Drawlloween the first week

It is October and I have decided to take part in drawlloween. A week has past and I thought I would do a post where I collected all the drawing together just incase you missed any. The pictures can be found on our facebook and twitter pages on a daily basis.

I'd love to know what you think of these.

Day 1 return from the dead

Day 2 carnival creeps

Day 3 - Mummy monday

Day 4 - Tentacle Tuesday
Day 5 - better gnomes and goblins

Day 6 - Urban Leg
Day 7 - What lies in the Mist?

Day 8 - 8 legs 1000 eggs

Day 9 - He's a doll, dummy
Next sunday I will post the next weeks worth of Drawlloween but I you want to follow the day to day journey you can check out the twitter and facebook pages above.


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