Untitled History of the human condition #2 Review

Writer - Michael Max Ham Gatti
Artist – Tyler Carpenter
Publisher – Max Ham Productions

Untitled history is back but instead of telling history in the supernatural world, issue two delves into early American history with a twist.


Michael’s writing this issue is a vast improvement from the last. This is because this issue has structure and Michael has found the best way to exploit that structure to produce a better issue. The tone in this issue isn’t perfect as it tries thing like comedy that don’t full work.
This is mainly due to the fact that they are so rare and conflict with the overall tone that it doesn’t work and feels cringe at times.  This however, may be Michael’s intention as it does fit with how the humour worked in the first issue.
A mentioned issue one used Supernatural lore with Its story, which resulted in the issue being unfocused however, issue two focusses more on real historical events more and the issue benefits from it.
Untitled’s twist comes from Michael’s reimagined history as Michael reimagines multiple historical event’s which is a bold move. However, Michael pulls it off but at a cost. The cost is that because of the spanning years this issue explores the character investment and development is left behind.
As a result, you get an interesting story, that lack’s three dimensional characters.

Cover to issue 2


Tyler Carpenters art in the first issue was fine but had no story to sell. Issue two however, the art tells its own story alongside the text, this enhances Michael’s story and Tyler’s ability to tell a story. The art itself is by no mean’s perfect, however his style works perfectly with Michael’s writing. Tyler’s art also adds an element of fun to the book. This is nice but it does at time conflict with tone.

Target audience

The rating and target audience of this comic is still something of a mystery. The story and content of the art is aimed at a teen audience however; the writing and art style feel like they are aimed more towards children. This conflict of audience makes it hard to judge if this is a good kid book or a underwhelming teen book.


Untitled history issue 2 is much better than the first as both the writer and artist have found a structure that Mostly works. The character development still needs abit of work and the target audience established.

Writing – 3/5
Art – 3/5

Overall – 3/5


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