Butcher with a smile

Hi all sorry for the lack of posts. Now If you've been following this blog from the start you would have noticed one of my first posts was of a four page script. As you've also noticed that script seems to have no connection with Transplant and you'd be write as that script is for my side project I am doing along side transplant. A few hours ago I just finished the final page of this story. Below are some shots from the comic "Butcher with a smile" which will be available to buy at the Bolton Sci-fi con this Sunday 20th march 2016.

I decided to go for a rich black and white style as I felt it added more to the atmosphere of the story  than what color would.
For more updates to can follow me on Twitter and Facebook at:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Covenant-of-Arcana-comics-1676184302657368/?fref=ts

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/covenantofarca1

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/tgartstudios


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