Ciphers why and when

Like with Transplant, Black Voyage will also have them. However with transplant I went overboard so this time they will be hidden and involve a different type of Cipher. If you want to see want inspired my use of ciphers you can check out this link below.

Here I will talk about the ciphers I will use in the comic but have also used in promotional items.

Caesar Cipher 

The Caesar cipher, also known as a shift cipher, is one of the simplest forms of encryption. It is a substitution cipher where each letter in the original message (called the plaintext) is replaced with a letter corresponding to a certain number of letters up or down in the alphabet.

I decided to use this cipher as it is the easiest to decode, So anybody can have a go at the cipher. I used this in a promotional piece that when decoded will reveal some context to the history of Elizabeth.

Here is the piece the cipher was on -

I posted this on social media. If you'd like to decode it there is a website that can help decode the cipher here is the link.

I did not post this in the comic as it is too large and works as a separate piece.

Templar Cipher

Templars Cipher. Tool to decrypt/encrypt as a Knight Templar. Knights Templars Ciphers is a substitution code replacing letters by symbols from the Maltese Cross, icon of Order of the Temple.

I decided to use the templar cipher as I found it interesting as it replaces letters with symbols which most cipher don't do. I also chose this cipher because of it's connection to the Knight Templar which will play a role in future comics I do.

Similar to the previous cipher I put the cipher on a poster that appears in the comic.

Here is the cipher.

These are the cipher that will appear in this issue of Black Voyage. In the coming issues I will include these ciphers but also Morse code and the vigenere cipher. The cipher will enhance the context of the story but also reveal future plans of Covenant of Arcana.

Hope this has been informative.


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